I struggled at what I would say on this Thanksgiving Day. This week has been one of the most stressful weeks in my family. Without going into details, I learned that even in your darkest of times and situations, we have a Heavenly Father above, with a heart full of mercy and a heart full of Love. He really cares when our head is bowed low. He picks us up when we fall. When the situation seems hopeless, he encourages us to never give up hope. As my tears flow off my face this morning, my heart is so heavy. I just have to remember and keep saying to myself, it's all in God's timing, not ours. We don't understand why chain of events happen and we can question ourselves and wonder why didn't we do this or that, or say this or that. I've learned that I want to be in God's will. I don't want to open my mouth to speak if it is not positive speaking. I want to stop and LISTEN. Don't get me wrong, I am so very Thankful for the many blessings that God has given me. I am Thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am Thankful for my husband, family & friends. I am Thankful for a wonderful job and the best Boss & co-workers anyone could ask for. I am Thankful I have a home and all the comforts I need.
I am Thankful that I can count on special blogging friends who I have never met face to face, lift me up when I am down. Pray with me. You know who you are.
Today as we sit down with family members around a beautiful table, let's Give Thanks with a Grateful heart.