In 3 days I will celebrate my 55th Birthday. Here are some random thoughts I will share.....
***For once, I am not worrying about my size.
***I layed in bed last night with a piece of frozen Edwards key lime pie watching "Flipping Out".
***This is my first Birthday without having my dad. Another milestone.
***I love the Beach.
***I am learning how to eat differently since dealing with a sensitive colon.
***I miss eating nuts.
***I miss eating salads.
***I enjoy drinking water more than ever.
***I want to go to the Fair and eat fried veggies and watch Kenny Ahern's act.
***I'm in love with my new fun Candie's sandals I got at Kohl's.
***I need a pedicure.
***I miss my mom, who is visiting my sister in Louisiana.
***I LOVE Edward's frozen key lime pie.
***Notice how I always seem to get back on food?
***I don't enjoy yard sales since losing my dad. He motivated me to go to them.
***I love listening to K-love inspirational music at my desk.
***The longer I am married, the more I appreciate my husband.
***I would love to move into a small house and have less things.
***I would love to live across the street from my sister.
***I watch the Bachelorette but really don't enjoy it. I think it is scripted.
***I still love the Duggar family.
***I could go for a DQ small cone right now.
***Since I have time left on my lunch hour, that's where I'm headed...across the street! DQ....
Happy Almost 55th to me....I am starting to celebrate early....