Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Weird and Random

I was tagged by Amy from my wonderful men to list 7 weird and/or Random facts about myself. I hope I can come up with things that are a surprise to everyone.

1. I have a favorite pair of flannel p.j. bottoms that have pink flamingos on them. Love Love em'
2. I love B.Q. Baked Lays chips.....I don't buy them anymore cause I have no self control.
3. I love deep dish cheese pizza from Miller Pizza Co. Haven't had any though in 4 months.
4. My new best friend is my treadmill.
5. We are probably the only people alive today with a Magnavox Console swival Color T.V.
6. My Dream job would be a Baby Rocker in the Hospital Nursery.
7. I want to learn to play the guitar.

Now I have to tag 7 people to play along....Since I really don't know who to tag that hasn't already been tagged, I will let you off the hook....Play along if you would like to.....


Lisa said...

Mmmm! Pizza sounds good! I'm going walking with my co-workers today, but I hope we don't get blown away by the wind. I'm glad to see the sun and that it's warm, but I could do without the blustery part.

Amy Plumb said...

I want to do number 7 also.

Sharon Brumfield said...

I am all for the pizza--but the pink flamingo p.j's---would be a tad to out going for me......yes, even in the confines of my own house.;)

E said...

Oh my sounds delightful! So does Mexican!

chrissy said...

Miller co. pizza, where? We used to have one we ordered from and yum, yum!
Go enroll in a class to play guitar, my FIL has learned how to play in the past 3 years, I think he likes it! Go on, go do it, and take Amy with you!!!

Courtney said...

If you want to learn to play guitar, you should just do it. Go Mimi!

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to play the guitar too!

Anonymous said...

BBQ baked lays mmm, mmm, good! Are there any baby rockers in hospitals anymore? The hospital I'm going to deliver this baby in (if that ever happens) only does room in babies. I didn't know that babies stayed in the nursery anymore.

Glass Half Full said...

My boys love those potato chips too. Me, not so much!


Allie said...

Oh Rhonda, where were you when I had my son 3 1/2 years ago? We would have loved having someone as caring and special as you rocking our baby when we couldn't be at the hospital!! Luckily we were spoiled with the wonderful staff and volunteers at the special care nursery, but still, we would have LOVED to have you!!

What a wonderful dream!

Anonymous said...

I've been so wanting a treadmill! Good job making it your friend. :)