Wednesday, December 16, 2009

# 7 Final Challenge Weigh in

After a week of some temptations, and off my schedule a little bit, I still managed to lose "1" lb. making my total lost at "11" I am very excited about this 1 pound. I am still in control and that makes me very proud of my accomplishments. I had one night this week that I got up and just had to have some cocoa puffs. It was during a moment of waking up out of a deep sleep and finding myself in my kitchen. I did not have a big dinner that night and I guess I was hungry. But, I didn't let that one night throw me off for the week, like I usually would. I didn't throw in the towel. I admit I did have some Christmas cookies here and there (Steph's were delicious) and a bite of toffee a co-worker brought in, oh and I forgot about the small piece of my boss's birthday cake I baked. So, see, I can still have some goodies here and there in moderation and still lose a pound.
I did go to my Curves workouts faithfully, Mon. thru Friday and walked on my treadmill when I thought I overate that day. I am still very pumped about getting this weight down and if it takes me a while to do it, at least I am moving in the right direction. I hope everyone else had a great week as well. This is the hardest time of the year to try to lose, so let's pat ourselves on the back for being so dedicated. Thank you sisterhood for the challenge. It was very motivating for me!


Bacardi Mama said...

OMG girl, 11 pounds is so awesome!! I'm so proud of you. Have you given any thought to going to the mini marathon in San Diego?

Carolyn Vaughn said...

As you work out remember that muscle weighs heavier than fat, so pay attention to the inches you lose. That counts for something good. Plus you want tight skin when you lose large amounts of weight. You don't want wrinkles so keep up the exercise to keep everything firm.

Jen @ One Moms World said...

So so so proud of you Rhonda!! You are doing awesome and yes its ok to treat yourself. I do the same and that is the key to learn do in moderation just as you are doing. You got this Rhonda... I'll support you all the way!

audrey said...

11 pounds was awesome for this challenge! WAY TO GO!!!