* It was a great Sunday today. I went to church and held my sleeping granddaughter during the sermon. Hubby and I went to get groceries, I cooked and relaxed most of the day.
* I am really proud of myself for still having the desire and excitement to go work out at 6am. during the week at Curves. I am feeling so much better and have more energy.
* Due to the slow economy, I am working 4 days a week now. God has blessed me with a side job to make up for the lost income. God has always been there and taken care of our needs. I have to say that the time off is nice. I can spend time with family and have some Me time if I want.
* This past week has been filled with bad news for several of my dear friends concerning health issues. I pray daily for them and expect complete restoration to their bodies.
* I tried a new hairstylist since my regular lady is out of commission for now. I really like how she cut it. It's so hard to find someone when you have gone to someone for so many years.
* I have 6 grandchildren and each have a different birth month....Feb. March May July Sept. & Oct.
* That's all the random thoughts I have for now. Sorry I bored you. Time to go check my stuffed bell peppers cooking.
You could never be boring. I hope your friends all heal quickly. Stuffed peppers sound wonderful. I'm so proud of you for keeping up your Curves workouts. Have a great week.
I love your random thoughts! It's like having a cup of coffee with you in a little cafe! I have photos and even 35 mm film of my family at Lake Michigan when I was a little girl... you've made me want to go dig them out! I'm happy that God takes care of us because HE certainly does when we need it most. How interesting about the birth months! Each has his or her own special month. I have 1 January, 2 Aprils, 2 Junes, 1 July, 2 Septembers and 1 November! I guess I should encourage finishing out the year!!!!
Mmmm! Stuffed peppers sound good. Way to go for keeping up with your workouts! I do ok, when I'm not sick. Chronic sinus issues take me out at least every 6 or 7 weeks. It's really hard to want to jump on the treadmill when it already feels like your head is going to explode.
I like random thoughts! Glad I'm not the only one who has them :)
MT's SIL: Random thoughts are fun. I'm a fan. Steph teases me because I sometimes start a random thought in the middle of speaking about a different topic. I'm working on it. :)
Your random thoughts are fantastic! Great photo.
God never fails! I can't imagine my life without Him.
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