Abby stopped by on Saturday evening with her mommy to pick up their car that Grampa was working on. She was suppose to keep her coat on and just say hello, since it was almost bedtime. Well, off goes the coat and boots, before you know it, she was going to her favorite toys to play. I couldn't resist the fact that she loves being at Mimi and Grampa's house, so I whispered to her mommy, asking if she could spend the night and I would go to church with them Sunday morning....When she asked Abby if she would like to do that, I saw the biggest, brightest smile come over this sweet face....YES mommy, YES....
After her mommy left, Abby wanted to eat, of course...the famous Chicken nuggets that I always have in my freezer. As Abby was eating them at 7:00 pm, she looked at me and said "Mimi, you're the bestest cooker ever"! She told me her other grandma made this yucky loaf meat and she didn't like it....which cracked me up. I don't think her other grandma reads my blog, if so, sorry other grandma. So, we went to bed around 8:30, and she was asleep by 9:00, after hearing the made up princess castle story I usually tell her. This mimi couldn't sleep....I knew I had better get to sleep because Abby is an early riser...and by early, I mean 3:30am. early....
Yes, 3:30, her eyes are wide awake asking me when was breakfast! I told her when the clock turns to 5:00, we will get up. She tossed and turned, squirmed and wiggled and I finally turned on cartoons. When the clock struck 5 we hopped out of bed....I crawled to make me a quick cup of coffee. Abby wanted pancakes, which were made very quickly. I couldn't believe she ate 3 small ones.
So, I guess you are wondering what is in the shopping cart....Abby loves to play shopping by emptying my spice cabinet into her shopping cart. If Steph is reading this she is probably saying "Gee mom, you never let me do this when I was a little girl". Let's just say, as a Mimi, you are much more relaxed and almost anything goes, unless it involves fire.

These pictures were taken at around 5:30 am...She had her belly full and ready to do some serious playing.

P.S. No, my hubby did not eat all this food! He likes to eat the left overs during the week for breakfast.
I love when they stay over unexpectedly, but you are a much nicer mimi than me. I wouldn't be getting up at 3:30. No way. That breakfast looks yummy, by the way.
Well thanks to Abby you are always getting your cupboards cleaned out and then you know what you have - even if you are blearieyed from lack of sleep. You and Abby have such a great relationship! You are both so lucky.
I can't believe you were up so early. And she is getting so big!
You are the supreme Mimi of all... !! What fun! What a beautiful smile! What a great looking shopping cart! What a great breakfast! I'll be there next Sunday at 3:30 am. Or so.
Mimi, this is sooo precious! I love it when my kids make their Gma fell special, just by being who they are and then to read about your relationship with your grandaughter on here, oh my such a beautiful relationship! OH MY, the fact that she gets up sooo, early! Does she do that at home, is this the normal routine? just wonderin! Your Sunday afternoon nap had to be divine! I really hope it was! Your children/grandchildren are so blessed to have you involved in their lives the way you are! Mimi you are absolutely amazing!
That breakfast looks awesome! I need a Mimi to make one for me!
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