**I decided to stop coloring my hair
**I have lots of grey, but it's OK
**I love jelly beans
**I want to hold a newborn baby
**I love to make people happy
**Olive Garden upset me last night
**I love having dinner out with Mike
**I'm thankful for a great Boss
**I am happy when it snows
**I love our new dogs, Lilly & Halle
**I quit going on diets, cause they don't work for me
**I have been on a green olive craving spree lately
**I will see my sister in 2 weeks
**I miss my grand kids
**I love finding coins on the ground (money from heaven)
**My dads 1 year anniversary in heaven is coming up
**Time is going way too fast to keep up
**I love having coffee and breakfast with my mom every morning
**Did I say I love jelly beans? Cause I'm chewing on them now
**I must have the t.v. on to fall asleep in bed
**I need a personal chef
**I want to rock babies in the hospital nursery
**I can't wait til Celebrity Apprentice is on, Feb. 12.
**I like Michelle Duggar
**I want to see Bon Jovi in concert
**I found the best fitting jeans ever at Lane Bryant, I live in them
**I'm proud of my daughter's talent to knit
**I love wearing sweatshirts on weekends
**I don't watch the Superbowl, just halftime and commercials
**I can't wait for some sister time in 2 weeks
**I would love to retire some day to the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee
**I love to go to Lake George and feed the ducks
**I love Sunday morning breakfast with Mike and Mom
**I would like to have more family gatherings with my kids and grand kids
I could go on and on with my thoughts....thanks for tuning in.....
If its warm enough this weekend we should go to Lake George! What happened at Olive Garden?
Wish you were here to hold Laurel!
I gave up diets too. I just try to watch what I eat and exercise at least three times a week. We need to plan our Chicago trip. I was thinking that it would be fun to fly out for a long weekend and see Sharon. Any thoughts on that? Like Steph said, what happened at Olive Garden?
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