Here are some of my thoughts on this snowy Sunday morning.......
47 years ago today, my baby brother Randy was born. He now lives in Boise, Idaho. When he was a little tot, my sister and I used to have to look after him at times and I can remember living in Chicago during the 60's and we had a major snow storm where no cars could drive up and down our street. My brother went out in the middle of the street to play in the mountain of snow and got his body stuck. We left him there for a while as he was crying. That wasn't nice! Happy Birthday Randy!
Last night my hubby and I babysat ALL 4 darling grandchildren...Noah, Carter, Gray & Ivy. Yes, Ivy's mommy left her, first time over 2 hours....She arrived sleeping and we left her in her carrier. I had strict instructions to call if she started crying and acted hungry. When she awoke, shortly afterwards she looked at us like she saw strangers and was looking around for mommy. But, when she spotted her brothers, she was happy! Her mommy only called every 10 min. to check on her, until she got to her destination. Everything was going fine until around 2 1/2 hours into the night, then she started crying, she didn't act hungry so, I went upstairs to my computer to find the phone number on the email Steph sent me of where they were at, since cell phones wouldn't work in that area of the building. My sister was on the web cam and got to see Ivy sobbing. My sister asked if she could call for me, which she did. Here she is, over 1,000 miles away, calling the place where my daughter was at and I could hear her say to the person answering the phone "Tell Steph to call Mimi right away". Within 5 min. she called and said she was on her way. When she got here, Ivy was fast asleep on my shoulder! But, mommy was very happy to have her precious little Ivy back in her arms. The boys played with their usual legos and G.I.Joes and Gray only had to go in time out 1 time. Grampa was a big help. Carter enjoyed talking to Aunt Diane on the web cam telling her all about school and what he wanted for his Birthday in July.
Good news to niece Dayna got out of the hospital yesterday. She was so happy to be holding her precious Evan (bubbie) again. Thanks for your prayers!
I started back on Weight Watchers today. I am not going to meetings, just trying to follow the program the best I can. For breakfast, I had a delicious egg white omelet with spinach, healthy heart wheat toast and citrus salad.....was very good! I went to a cardiologist Friday after some things came back from a stress test I had a few months ago. The things he saw were not serious and don't require meds. He told me I am overweight (ouch!) and really need to make some changes in my diet. I promised him and myself that I would take his advise. I know what to do, it's just doing it and not being lazy about it. He gave me the clearance to start exercising again. He told me the key is portion control. So, I dusted my off my treadmill and am starting again. I have my sister vacation in just 119 days and I am buying a hot new bathing suit!
I had my acrylic nails removed last week and am glad I did. I am saving money and they feel healthier. My sister told me about a product she loves to strengthen the nails and I went out to get some yesterday. It's Sally Hansons Green Tea + bamboo. They already feel so much stronger after a few applications. The money I was spending to get my nails done is going in my Florida vacation bank.
Did I mention that in just 119 days, I will be on vacation? I need to book my flight soon!
Happy March 1st! Thanks for letting me ramble.
47 years ago today, my baby brother Randy was born. He now lives in Boise, Idaho. When he was a little tot, my sister and I used to have to look after him at times and I can remember living in Chicago during the 60's and we had a major snow storm where no cars could drive up and down our street. My brother went out in the middle of the street to play in the mountain of snow and got his body stuck. We left him there for a while as he was crying. That wasn't nice! Happy Birthday Randy!
Last night my hubby and I babysat ALL 4 darling grandchildren...Noah, Carter, Gray & Ivy. Yes, Ivy's mommy left her, first time over 2 hours....She arrived sleeping and we left her in her carrier. I had strict instructions to call if she started crying and acted hungry. When she awoke, shortly afterwards she looked at us like she saw strangers and was looking around for mommy. But, when she spotted her brothers, she was happy! Her mommy only called every 10 min. to check on her, until she got to her destination. Everything was going fine until around 2 1/2 hours into the night, then she started crying, she didn't act hungry so, I went upstairs to my computer to find the phone number on the email Steph sent me of where they were at, since cell phones wouldn't work in that area of the building. My sister was on the web cam and got to see Ivy sobbing. My sister asked if she could call for me, which she did. Here she is, over 1,000 miles away, calling the place where my daughter was at and I could hear her say to the person answering the phone "Tell Steph to call Mimi right away". Within 5 min. she called and said she was on her way. When she got here, Ivy was fast asleep on my shoulder! But, mommy was very happy to have her precious little Ivy back in her arms. The boys played with their usual legos and G.I.Joes and Gray only had to go in time out 1 time. Grampa was a big help. Carter enjoyed talking to Aunt Diane on the web cam telling her all about school and what he wanted for his Birthday in July.
Good news to niece Dayna got out of the hospital yesterday. She was so happy to be holding her precious Evan (bubbie) again. Thanks for your prayers!
I started back on Weight Watchers today. I am not going to meetings, just trying to follow the program the best I can. For breakfast, I had a delicious egg white omelet with spinach, healthy heart wheat toast and citrus salad.....was very good! I went to a cardiologist Friday after some things came back from a stress test I had a few months ago. The things he saw were not serious and don't require meds. He told me I am overweight (ouch!) and really need to make some changes in my diet. I promised him and myself that I would take his advise. I know what to do, it's just doing it and not being lazy about it. He gave me the clearance to start exercising again. He told me the key is portion control. So, I dusted my off my treadmill and am starting again. I have my sister vacation in just 119 days and I am buying a hot new bathing suit!
I had my acrylic nails removed last week and am glad I did. I am saving money and they feel healthier. My sister told me about a product she loves to strengthen the nails and I went out to get some yesterday. It's Sally Hansons Green Tea + bamboo. They already feel so much stronger after a few applications. The money I was spending to get my nails done is going in my Florida vacation bank.
Did I mention that in just 119 days, I will be on vacation? I need to book my flight soon!

Happy March 1st! Thanks for letting me ramble.
You can ramble anytime you want. I'm with you on the weight loss and exercise. I've been trying to do good, but I've had my slip ups. I just have to keep on trying. We can be each others cheerleader. Go Rhonda!!!
I am still the same way with my girls I call every so many minutes cause I worry about them. They still haven't even had their overnight stay yet either with anyone as we are all still co-sleepers. I know I'm probably weird but they are only small once.
I'm so happy your niece is home and doing well. YAY!
Woohooo for weight watchers. I am so thankful I started this. You will do great.. I just know it :). You can do it You can do it You can do it. I'll be checking on you ;). Big (((HUGS))).
That's so funny about leaving your brother stuck in the snow. That sounds like something twin sister and I would have done to showsomelovin', lol. I hear ya on getting into shape. I've been saying that since before Lizard was born (she was 4 months yesterday). We'll help keep you motivated, Go Rhonda go!!!
Sorry the anonymous comment was from me, I don't know what I did, oops.
That drink looks delicious!
Best of luck with the weight loss journey. It sounds like you are definitely on the right track!
you look great!! i've missed you! school kept me busy this week so i've not been on here so much! so happy to hear about your niece :) that's so wonderful! talk to you soon rhonda! take care!
I don't want to hear it from my in-laws then, when they watch two of my three kids and are exhausted. Watching four kids is a huge deal! ;)
I'm wishing you the best with your WW journey. You'll do it!
Hey, excited about tonights finale of the Bachelor? I'm sooooooooooo excited, I can hardly wait.
Last week I watched their teaser for this week's show and I have to say, from the clips they showed, it does almost seem like Melissa is better for him. I can't believe I just said that. ;)
Maybe your girl will win. Although it does seem like, in past shows, that the obvious one never wins.
Happy March 1st to you! I'm very happy to hear Dayna is feeling better. Love the picture of you!
Oh weight loss and exercise...I need to get on this bandwagon, too!
Glad things are okay with your heart. :)
I love rambling posts!
I'm glad everything is going well for your niece and good luck on Weight Watchers!
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