Jack was standing in the entryway looking out the front screen door. I turned to go into the kitchen and when I turned back around after hearing the door close, Jack was NOT standing there anymore. I ran to the door and opened it and there was little Jack, face down on my porch. He had fallen out the door. I could not believe what I saw. I scooped him up and tried to see if there were blood or bumps and of course he was crying and scared. There was not a scratch or bump on him. All I could say was "Thank you God for putting a pillow under him to land on"....It's the scariest feeling in the world. Never assume that a door can't open when leaned on. I felt like a bad Mimi, but just thankful that he wasn't hurt.
He stayed until around 3:30......Then around 5:00.....Noah, Carter, Gray and Ivy came over while Steph and Jeff went to dinner and a movie.......We ate pizza and of course I made Carter's favorite mashed potatoes and gravy.....

I could not get Ivy to smile for the camera....She loves to play with the magnets on my frig. The lady with the pumpkin on her head is actually named mimi. It was a magnet set that Steph gave me that she found at a specialty store.

The boys are use to playing with legos, micro machines or G.I.Joes at my house, but their uncle Nate took all of his old toys home to put up for his son when he is old enough to play with them one day. They were lost with not knowing what to play with. So, I got out the play dough and they were thrilled. Gray said "mommy throws away the play dough so Ivy can't get it" They each created a Birthday Cake for me, with real candles. And we even lit them and made wishes.

Thanks Play dough...you saved the night!!
Another Fun Filled Full Friday off with my favorite people...
Glad you had fun. I had the girls overnight on Thursday. Actually, I had them for 22 hours. I have pictures to post too. I've just been too tired. You didn't miss much at the market. I just got my usual produce. Only spent $11. Have a great weekend. Tomorrow is Jack's baptism.
thanks so much for being a good Mimi!
You have a LOT of energy, my dear friend! It looks like you had a BLAST with your beautiful grandchildren! You are SO SO blessed!
Lol...you are a GREAT mimi! You play with and love your grandkids, and that is what is most important.
I'm playing catch up on all my blog reading. I've been mia most of the summer.
Hope you've been doing well :)
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