It was Sunday morning, June 4 @ 5:37 a.m. when I looked at a text from my nephew, Chad. My sister, Diane had tried calling me earlier at 4:55 a.m. but my ringer was turned off. I had a lump in my throat as I dialed my nephews number to call him back. He answered and my Sis was on speaker and told me the dreaded news that mom had passed away in her sleep. You are never prepared for "the call". My mom had suffered with so many illnesses and hours before she passed she had a horrible cough. My sister prayed with her and read the 23rd Psalm to her. Mom fell asleep and so Diane felt it was ok to go to bed for a while. Diane got up early that morning and passed by moms bed and noticed she wasn't breathing....Angels had carried her away...God answered our prayers to let mom go in her struggle...She fell asleep and woke up in Heaven. I'm sure our dad was there with open arms to greet her.
The hours that followed were filled with so many emotions...I walked around my house not knowing what to do next. I just knew I needed to get to my sister as fast as I could. Abby & Jack had spent the night, so, I was greeted by the biggest hug from Abby, with tears, she said "Mimi" it's going to be ok, Mommal is in Heaven". I made pancakes & bacon and carried on as mom would have wanted me to. After they left, I kept checking flights to Lake Charles, Louisiana. Mike told me to leave that night if I wanted to but I had too many things to wrap up before leaving. I did manage to book a flight the next afternoon.
It was so good to finally give my sister a big hug when her and her grand-daughter, Madigan picked me up in Lake Charles at 10:00 p.m.
I was so thankful that I had visited mom in March and got to love on her. Diane and I decided to pre-plan moms funeral while I was there, to be prepared when it did happen. Thank God we did.
The next days were busy but we felt Peace and Comfort, knowing mom is in a much better place.
I have always been close to my sister and we are best friends, but, the closeness we felt during this time is hard to describe. We held one another up...we were in agreement with every detail. The Sister ship we have is very rare. Nothing can separate us!
I can't thank my sister enough for the love and care she gave our mom the 2 and half years mom lived with her and Clark. They treated her like a Queen and she didn't want for anything.
Moms funeral was on the following Wednesday and I flew back home on Friday...Steph and Ivy flew in right after me....we rode home together. Mom was flown back home and we had her Graveside service on Saturday. The weather was perfect. Warm with a nice breeze.
Steph was my rock! She made sure that I was taken care of and didn't over do it. She loved her Mommal so much. She did everything in her power to make the weekend special. I can't thank her enough for her love and care. Steph spoke from her heart at the service. It was so special and gave the comfort I needed. Ivy sang "You are my Sunshine" ....I know that mom was smiling down so big. A red tail hawk flew over as we were singing. Lunch followed at a long time friends house. We reminisced and had such a sweet time of fellowship. I can't describe the feeling I felt seeing all the people who loved mom and supported me during this time. Steph, Ivy and I went to put some finishing touches on the grave the morning they left to fly back to Oregon. It was a whirlwind of a week. I'm just trying to get things back to normal, if there is a normal. I will miss my sweet momma so much, but watching her suffer with so many illnesses through the years broke my heart. I see her when the white butterfly flitters around my yard...I feel her near when I get visits from the red cardinal that is at my bird feeder....She is all around and always in my heart. I love you mom.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Thursday, September 8, 2016
The most Amazing Vacation in Oregon 2016
Mike and I flew to Portland Oregon on Aug. 26 - Sept. 4. Steph and Ivy picked us up at the Airport and we made our journey to Corvallis about an hour and half away. It's hard to put in to words how beautiful this town is. We drove up the start of the mountain they live on. It is breathtaking with all of the trees and plant life. The best way to describe their house is, it's like living in a luxury tree house. We were greeted each day, several times by families of deer. They would graze on the acres of blackberry bushes surrounding the yard. Mike bought a bag of apples that they also enjoyed...and ears of corn. We looked so forward to seeing the deer each day. They brought peace and contentment. Steph & Jeff are so blessed with the most unique, very roomy, comfy home. It was made for their family and guests. It felt like we were at a resort. Mike was so deserving of this vacation, since he hadn't had a vacation in over 2 years. It was nice to be able to relax and forget about work and the cares of this world. We stayed on the go all week, but also had a lot of quality time with the whole family and hung out at the house quite a bit. We got lots of Grand hugs each day.
The highlight of the trip for me was going to see The Lion King Musical in Portland with Steph and Ivy. It was a special Birthday present for me. We sat in the 4th row and had a magical time. It was an amazing show and extra special spending it with Steph and Ivy. We even were able to meet some of the cast after the show and get pictures.
It was nice that the kids didn't start back to school until after Labor Day. We were able to go with them to check out their new schools. I am happy that the schools are very close to home. We were happy to have met the High School Principal.
Ivy and I spent a lot of time playing old Maid cards, Barbie's, Wii bowling, coloring and whatever else we could find fun to do.
Another highlight of our trip was Puzzle working....We worked a 500 piece puzzle and 2 , 1000 piece puzzles. I have never had so much fun working a puzzle. It was mostly myself, Steph and Ivy working them but every once in a while, someone would pass by and put a piece in here and there.
We ate the best meals, including Steph's famous minestrone soup and Jeff's mouth watering melt in your mouth Steaks on the grill with portabella mushrooms.
One morning we got up and drove to Newport, at the Ocean. It was only about an hour away and a very beautiful drive. We walked along the Bay and really enjoyed the day. The ocean was breathtaking. We enjoyed lunch at a fun place. I had fish and chips and it tasted so good.
We enjoyed some movie nights down stairs in the theater room, complete with a fully stocked candy drawer....I munched on my favorite, good n plenty. The kids think the candy drawer is the best thing ever!
Mike and I stayed home with the kids one night while Jeff & Steph had a date night. All 6 of us sat around the dining room table talking (no cell phones in hand) and had the best, funny conversations. We must have talked and laughed for over an hour. I ended up in the game room with Carter, Gray & Ivy and we played bowling......arm was sore the next morning....
We really enjoyed going to the Farmer's market down town and seeing beautiful, fresh produce. We ended up buying 3 small berry pies. I have to say that I have never seen so many dogs walking around and being welcome in stores and anywhere an adult is. They even have dog bowls sitting outside at stores for water. I loved their town.
The night before we left we celebrated Ivy & Gray's early Birthday, since we would not be together to celebrate. We had our grilled steaks along with fresh veggies and of course the Berry Pies with the best Cinnamon ice cream. We talked and laughed and finally finished our last puzzle before going to bed. Steph was determined to finish before we went home....It was a Broadway Musical Puzzle and we sang while we worked....Since we all have a love for Musicals, it had a special place in our hearts.
We hated saying good-bye early the next morning after being dropped off at the airport. It was the best 9 nights (or as Ivy says, 9 sleeps)......We managed to get in lots of things and still relax. We are looking forward to our next trip....until then, I have lots of wonderful pictures when I close my eyes....And I must say that we were entertained by the staff on board Southwest Airlines...they made the flight so enjoyable. Thank you Jeff, Steph, Noah, Carter, Gray & Ivy for a Fantabulous time!
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Happy 14th Birthday Carter Bear!
It's hard to believe that Carter is already a Freshman in High School. Carter has a soft, loving personality that makes you feel fuzzy inside. He is funny, a helper, so intelligent and can figure out anything. He loves to build and create. He is our future Engineer. He LOVES potatoes of all sorts. He is an ideal big brother. We are so proud of Carter Wilson Precourt. Happy Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Happy 7th Birthday Jackson Kent
Jack is a delight. He has a very tender heart and always wants to do what is right. He reminds me a lot of his daddy when he was is age. He loves to pal around with his dad and build model airplanes. He loves to come over and eat corn dogs. If I were to have him choose what he would like for me to cook, or go out to eat, his choice would be corn dogs. I always have a supply on hand. We love our 4th grandson so much and wish him the happiest Birthday!
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Happy 9th Birthday Abby!
I can't believe this beautiful little girl turned 9. Abby has the most tender heart. She has such a Love for Jesus and is very passionate about what's good and bad. I wish her the happiest Birthday. I love her so much! She is our Princess!
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Happy 15th Birthday Noah!
"15" Years ago on February 16 my life changed. Noah made me a "Mimi". What an unspeakable Joy it was to become a Mimi. Noah gave me my name, which makes it even more special. I remember so vividly before Noah learned to crawl and I would walk out of a room, he would cry for me. He only wanted "Me". Oh the heart was swollen with Pride. Noah paved the way for the next 5 grands to follow. Noah is Love....Noah is Peace....Noah is forgiving......Noah is unselfish....Noah is humble....Noah is everything good in life....Noah is my heart! Happy Happy 15th Birthday my precious Noah! p.s. and don't you spray Mimi! (private joke)
Friday, January 8, 2016
Happy New Year 2016 / And Happy Birthday Steph!
2015 ended in a not so happy fashion. The last few days of Dec. were spent in the hospital, trying to get Mike well from a nagging cough he has had since Thanksgiving. He did get released from the hospital on New Year's Day eve. For this we are truly thankful. He was sent home with a breathing treatment machine and lots of meds. He followed up with his Dr. and was told he had a partial collapsed lung along with the pneumonia. He is finally feeling better.
It's been a stressful start to the New Year for me. I am finally feeling better after being on the Remicade infusions...and now we are having to deal with the insurance company and waiting for authorization for my treatments. Why does it have to be so difficult to deal with insurance companies? After 2 days of phone calls, they finally sent the authorization for me to have the treatment this afternoon. We will have to go thru a process every 3 months to get another authorization. Fun times ahead!
Today is a very special day......39 years ago, a precious baby girl was born. Stephanie Ruth. She has brought so much Joy to our lives. At first I had forgotten how old she would be this year and Steph had to remind me that her and I are 20 years apart. I knew that but it slipped my mind...oops! I am so glad her best friends are taking her out to spoil her for breakfast and shopping. She deserves the best. Happy Happy Birthday Steph! We love you!
It's been a stressful start to the New Year for me. I am finally feeling better after being on the Remicade infusions...and now we are having to deal with the insurance company and waiting for authorization for my treatments. Why does it have to be so difficult to deal with insurance companies? After 2 days of phone calls, they finally sent the authorization for me to have the treatment this afternoon. We will have to go thru a process every 3 months to get another authorization. Fun times ahead!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Happy 10th Birthday Grayson!
Gray is my 3rd Grandson with a Big personality....He has a love for animals like no other! I really think he can talk to the animals and they understand. His pet hamster Buddy joins him each morning for breakfast...Buddy is given a small piece of toast or bagel with cream cheese...and boy oh boy, does he enjoy it. Gray giggles and watches his furry friend and beams with pride. He also has pet gerbils named "Hazel & Snowflake". Gray told me a long time ago that if anything happens to Grampy and myself, he would take care of our dogs....Gray might be a little smaller than boys his own age, but he has a gigantic heart. Happy Birthday Graybee.....
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Happy 7th Birthday Miss Ivy LaRue
Miss Ivy LaRue is already 7 years old...The top picture is courtesy of Steph, taken at her Birthday Party with her friends. I can still remember the precious little cry after she was born. I sure do miss my playmate. I am so proud of my grand-daughter and I wish her the happiest Birthday. Why does Oregon have to be so far away?
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Oregon Trip and other thoughts
Every time I start my post about my trip to Oregon over Mother's Day 2015, I have to stop. Even though it was over 2 months ago, I can still remember as if it were yesterday. I flew in to Portland, where Steph picked me up and we went to the best restaurant to eat before checking into our Hotel before getting ready for the Fabulous "Listen to your Mother" show in Portland. It was a magical evening with some special friends. Molly and her mother Fran met us. Molly is one of Steph's best friends from Bandon. We walked along the quaint streets of Portland before the show and found a Thai place to eat at. I had never eaten Thai and it's now one of my favorites. I had to eat very little because of the colitis I deal with, but the Pad Thai was excellent.
The next morning, Steph and I drove home to Bandon, where we were met by lots of loving arms. Oh how I missed my Grands. The next 10 days would bring lots of fun things including Ivy's dance recital and Gray's ballgames. I tried to make every second count and prayed that time would stand still. The day before I had to fly back home Steph, Noah, Ivy and I drove to Seattle for Noah's treatment the next day. After his treatment, I had to be dropped off at the airport, which ripped my heart into pieces. Saying "see ya again soon" were the hardest words to say to my precious family.
Back to reality......
The next months would bring lots of preparation in getting my moms house sold. Thankfully, most of her furniture had sold and the house was slowly emptying out. We are very thankful a couple decided to buy her house and everything was falling into place. Mike and I have worked so hard to meet the demands of the buyer in having certain things repaired and fine tuning things. Mike has been my rock during all of this and I don't know what I would have done without him. It's been just he and I. The things that my mom did not want, I had a huge moving sale last Saturday and did quite well. The leftovers were donated to a church. The things my mom wants to keep are being driven down in a trailer next week to Louisiana to my sisters house, where mom now lives and is very content, (thank you Lord). We still have some going thru of boxes and books to empty out the house before the closing on July 29. It has been bittersweet for me. This is the house I grew up in from Grade 8. Lots of memories in that house. But it was time. Mike and I are in no shape to keep up 2 houses. The young couple who bought it are meant to live there. Life goes on....
During all of this busyness....Mike got a doxie puppy. "Cocoa" first I was very against another dog after losing Halle. I'm thinking, at our age, we don't have the time or energy to devote to a puppy. Needless to say, she has fit in quite well to our household and is the lap dog that Mike has missed since Halle. I have seen Mike start to enjoy life again and that makes me happy. I guess I can overlook the puppy piddle pads and house looking like a toddler ran thru it...Life is short...enjoy it while you can even if it means picking up puppy poop.
Happy Summer! Count down to my 59th Birthday.....
The next morning, Steph and I drove home to Bandon, where we were met by lots of loving arms. Oh how I missed my Grands. The next 10 days would bring lots of fun things including Ivy's dance recital and Gray's ballgames. I tried to make every second count and prayed that time would stand still. The day before I had to fly back home Steph, Noah, Ivy and I drove to Seattle for Noah's treatment the next day. After his treatment, I had to be dropped off at the airport, which ripped my heart into pieces. Saying "see ya again soon" were the hardest words to say to my precious family.
Back to reality......
The next months would bring lots of preparation in getting my moms house sold. Thankfully, most of her furniture had sold and the house was slowly emptying out. We are very thankful a couple decided to buy her house and everything was falling into place. Mike and I have worked so hard to meet the demands of the buyer in having certain things repaired and fine tuning things. Mike has been my rock during all of this and I don't know what I would have done without him. It's been just he and I. The things that my mom did not want, I had a huge moving sale last Saturday and did quite well. The leftovers were donated to a church. The things my mom wants to keep are being driven down in a trailer next week to Louisiana to my sisters house, where mom now lives and is very content, (thank you Lord). We still have some going thru of boxes and books to empty out the house before the closing on July 29. It has been bittersweet for me. This is the house I grew up in from Grade 8. Lots of memories in that house. But it was time. Mike and I are in no shape to keep up 2 houses. The young couple who bought it are meant to live there. Life goes on....
During all of this busyness....Mike got a doxie puppy. "Cocoa" first I was very against another dog after losing Halle. I'm thinking, at our age, we don't have the time or energy to devote to a puppy. Needless to say, she has fit in quite well to our household and is the lap dog that Mike has missed since Halle. I have seen Mike start to enjoy life again and that makes me happy. I guess I can overlook the puppy piddle pads and house looking like a toddler ran thru it...Life is short...enjoy it while you can even if it means picking up puppy poop.
Happy Summer! Count down to my 59th Birthday.....
Friday, July 10, 2015
Happy 13th Birthday Carter Wilson Precourt
How did this handsome Grandson of mine turn 13 already? Carter is smart, talented, funny, the life of the party, helpful, the best actor, mature and I see him going places that are huge. I loved hanging out with him in his room while visiting in May and watching him build his Lego creations. It amazed me at his skills. He actually built working machines that you put a coin in and candy comes out. He made the Top Honor Roll in school with a 4.0. He is my texting buddy! We are so proud of him and love him so much. Welcome to Teenager hood Carter Bear! xxoo....
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Oregon bound in 9 days
Pinch me, am I dreaming? My bags are almost packed and I have been ready to GO! I pack in my mind before I drift off to sleep every night since booking my flight to Oregon. I will be able to stay 2 weeks. I am usually able to only stay 1 week, so I feel extra blessed.
I will be flying into Portland airport and Steph will pick me up. We will be going to "Listen to your Mother" in Portland that evening. It will be such a special time with my daughter. We will spend the night in Portland and head on to Bandon the next day. Oh how I can't wait to hug "4" growing Grands and of course my son-in-law...who gives the best hugs. It has been 7 months since I have seen all of them. I miss them so much. While I am in Bandon, I will be able to attend 5 of Grays baseball games and go to Ivy's dance Recital the weekend of Mother's Day.
I hope to be able to walk to the Ocean daily, since it is so close. I love to sit on the patio and just breathe in the Ocean air. I will eat my favorite fish & chips at Bandon fish house and walk down the streets of Old Town Bandon. I love to also visit Face Rock Creamery and enjoy the delicious ice cream and cheeses.
Carter is going to teach me how to play Chess. I will be playing many games of Old Maid with Ivy, I'm sure....and lots of coloring. I want time to stand still while I am there...
I will be flying into Portland airport and Steph will pick me up. We will be going to "Listen to your Mother" in Portland that evening. It will be such a special time with my daughter. We will spend the night in Portland and head on to Bandon the next day. Oh how I can't wait to hug "4" growing Grands and of course my son-in-law...who gives the best hugs. It has been 7 months since I have seen all of them. I miss them so much. While I am in Bandon, I will be able to attend 5 of Grays baseball games and go to Ivy's dance Recital the weekend of Mother's Day.
I hope to be able to walk to the Ocean daily, since it is so close. I love to sit on the patio and just breathe in the Ocean air. I will eat my favorite fish & chips at Bandon fish house and walk down the streets of Old Town Bandon. I love to also visit Face Rock Creamery and enjoy the delicious ice cream and cheeses.
Carter is going to teach me how to play Chess. I will be playing many games of Old Maid with Ivy, I'm sure....and lots of coloring. I want time to stand still while I am there...
Friday, March 13, 2015
Happy 8th Birthday Abby!
Princess Abigail turned 8. We celebrated with a pizza party and delicious birthday cake. Abby is such a fashionista. She is always stylin'. She reminds me so much of her Aunt Steph at that age. Each piece of clothing must match and accessories to go with. I love this little princess. She brings so much Joy and Happiness in our family. She has such a tender heart. Happy Birthday Abby! You are so loved!
Monday, February 16, 2015
Happy 14th Birthday Noah Jeffrey Precourt!
It's hard to believe that my first born Grandson, Noah turned 14 years old. Can we please stop the clock? I remember the minute he was born. Jeff came barreling out of the delivery room announcing that he had a ball player. I was holding up the wall in the hallway. Noah had my heart the second I layed eyes on his sweet face. I loved sitting with him on the floor in his bedroom before he learned to walk and just playing, reading books and singing praise and worship songs. He brought so much Joy and Happiness and still does. I love you so much Noah, and wish you a year of nothing but the best in everything! Happy 14th!! xxoo, Mimi
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Happy Birthday Stephanie!
January 8, 1977 changed my world when I welcomed this beautiful daughter, Stephanie Ruth to our family. This picture was taken on a visit to Bandon, Oregon. Steph wanted me to experience Sushi...even though it was veggie only, I enjoyed it soooo much! I miss Steph so much, but could not be happier for her Amazing life in Oregon. I look forward to my next trip.
Happy Birthday Steph!
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Christmas season....2014
The Christmas season seems like a blur. I went through the motions of mildly decorating my house. Mike didn't want me putting up a tree. If we didn't have family around, I probably wouldn't have put one up. Where would I put the Christmas presents without a tree? It would not seem like Christmas without decorations. Mike had the idea of baking Christmas cookies with Abby & Jack. I brought them home with me from Church the Sunday before Christmas and we did bake some yummy sugar cookies. We usually do gingerbread houses but did cookies instead. I tried to avoid the Mall and did most of my Christmas shopping on line. Sending a check to Steph to shop for her family took a load off. I ordered gifts for Steph and had them mailed to Noah, to wrap for me.
Christmas Eve was celebrated with Nate, Elsa, Abby and Jack...I cooked a non-traditional meal of steak, with trimmings. They loved it. We opened gifts and then headed to church for a candle light service.
I stepped out of my comfort zone during the season and joined the Church Choir for our Christmas musical. I have always been a singer but took some time off. It felt good to be a part of a choir again. I was happy that Mike came to hear the choir. It always makes me happy when he attends church with me. I feel like my other half is with me. After church we Face timed with Steph and family and opened gifts together. One of our favorite gifts was an ipad, from Steph & Jeff, that we received before enjoy early. Steph always sends the best gifts. I had mentioned that her dad really loved watching the old Twilight Zone episodes, so she sent him the first Season, which we watched on New Year's Day.
Dec. 16 was a nightmare of a day. I flew with my mom to Houston to meet my sister, for her to go home with her. After 2 cancelled flights and 4 hours of sitting in an airport, we finally made it to Houston. It is very challenging flying with a handicapped person who is on oxygen and in a wheel chair and has to make umpteen trips to the bathroom before and during flight. I guess it was all worth it because mom is very content living with my sister. I still have her house responsibilities, but it's not as stressful as taking care of my mom and trying to work a full time job and deal with health issues.
My health hasn't been the best since Christmas. I got sick on Christmas day with an upper respiratory infection. I ended up going to Care Express a few days later. I have also been dealing with joint and muscle aches and pains. The ulcerative colitis has not been good to me as well. I see a few Dr. appointments in my near future. I have always been the caregiver, and now it is time to take care of me.
Christmas Eve was celebrated with Nate, Elsa, Abby and Jack...I cooked a non-traditional meal of steak, with trimmings. They loved it. We opened gifts and then headed to church for a candle light service.
I stepped out of my comfort zone during the season and joined the Church Choir for our Christmas musical. I have always been a singer but took some time off. It felt good to be a part of a choir again. I was happy that Mike came to hear the choir. It always makes me happy when he attends church with me. I feel like my other half is with me. After church we Face timed with Steph and family and opened gifts together. One of our favorite gifts was an ipad, from Steph & Jeff, that we received before enjoy early. Steph always sends the best gifts. I had mentioned that her dad really loved watching the old Twilight Zone episodes, so she sent him the first Season, which we watched on New Year's Day.
Dec. 16 was a nightmare of a day. I flew with my mom to Houston to meet my sister, for her to go home with her. After 2 cancelled flights and 4 hours of sitting in an airport, we finally made it to Houston. It is very challenging flying with a handicapped person who is on oxygen and in a wheel chair and has to make umpteen trips to the bathroom before and during flight. I guess it was all worth it because mom is very content living with my sister. I still have her house responsibilities, but it's not as stressful as taking care of my mom and trying to work a full time job and deal with health issues.
My health hasn't been the best since Christmas. I got sick on Christmas day with an upper respiratory infection. I ended up going to Care Express a few days later. I have also been dealing with joint and muscle aches and pains. The ulcerative colitis has not been good to me as well. I see a few Dr. appointments in my near future. I have always been the caregiver, and now it is time to take care of me.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
"9" Years ago on October 7th...the cutest little guy was born. "Grayson Roger Precourt". I remember after he was born, taking his big brother's Noah and Carter to the hospital to meet their new baby brother. He was so tiny and had the sweetest face. Gray LOVES dinosaurs and can name each one. He is an animal lover, but allergic to most of them. He fell in love with our doxies and said "when Grampy and Mimi die, I want to raise their dogs". He also said he wanted to come and live with us when he turns 18, because he loves the dogs. My third born grandson is so special to me and I love him dearly. I love how he smiles with his eyes. I love how content he was in his baby sling while his mommy went about her daily chores. I love that he loves my chicken roll ups. I love how he wears his favorite pants until they have huge holes, then keeps wearing them anyway. He's my one and only "Graybee" .....
Monday, September 15, 2014
Happy 6th Birthday to Our "Miss Ivy LaRue"
Six years ago today, early in the morning, I shared in the most amazing experience of my life, aside from the births of my 2 children. My precious Ivy arrived in the wee hours, while her brothers slept in the next room. It could not have played out more perfect. I was never so proud of my daughter. Just the thought of a Home Birth in the beginning makes you a little nervous, but, after researching and learning about how safe they are, the nerves were gone. I was so surprised I was so calm. Steph knew what she was doing and I had so much faith in her. The memory is still fresh in my mind and I hope it will be when I'm 90 years.
I mailed her presents and she received them 3 days before her birthday. Grampy and I watched her open them up via Skype. She was so happy with all her treasures. The next day she was surprised with a Barbie Dream House from her mom & dad. She has been celebrating for 4 days now.
Today, I send Love and Birthday wishes to Ivy LaRue Precourt. She wears a smile like a happy sunshine. She looks just like her mommy did at her age. I see big and great things ahead for this energetic little girl. I can't wait to play Barbie's and cards with her next month when I go for a visit. I am taking extra vitamins to keep up with her.
I mailed her presents and she received them 3 days before her birthday. Grampy and I watched her open them up via Skype. She was so happy with all her treasures. The next day she was surprised with a Barbie Dream House from her mom & dad. She has been celebrating for 4 days now.
Today, I send Love and Birthday wishes to Ivy LaRue Precourt. She wears a smile like a happy sunshine. She looks just like her mommy did at her age. I see big and great things ahead for this energetic little girl. I can't wait to play Barbie's and cards with her next month when I go for a visit. I am taking extra vitamins to keep up with her.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
October Surprise
A few months ago I get a call from my son-in-law Jeff. He had a brilliant idea and wanted to see if I were up for it. He wanted to surprise Steph by flying me to Oregon for their 15th Wedding Anniversary, to stay with the kids while he takes Steph away for a day or two. I told him it looked promising, but I would check with work first to see if I could get away. It didn't take long to decide that I would be crazy not to go, so I called him back (at his work office, in case Steph saw that I called on his cell phone), to tell him I was on board. He was going to tell her the day before I was expected to arrive. He was going to have her pick me up from the airport.
The plans were in the making and my trip was booked. Now, I had the job of keeping the secret. I tried not to tell too many people, just in case it were to slip. I was very proud of myself for keeping the secret. So....Steph calls me Saturday morning while on her Produce run to pick up her produce basket. She was so excited.....while on their morning walk at the ocean, Jeff told her the surprise. He knew she would want time to plan for me coming and for their get away.
I think she was also surprised that I kept the secret.
I miss them in the worse way, so I am so grateful to Jeff for this opportunity to come for a visit. I am sure I will be cooking all of the kids favorites and playing many card games with Ivy...and Barbies. Who knows, they all might teach me to play poker. I will even get to see Carter at dress rehearsal for his next play. I am really looking forward to this trip. Ocean, here I come!!!!
The plans were in the making and my trip was booked. Now, I had the job of keeping the secret. I tried not to tell too many people, just in case it were to slip. I was very proud of myself for keeping the secret. So....Steph calls me Saturday morning while on her Produce run to pick up her produce basket. She was so excited.....while on their morning walk at the ocean, Jeff told her the surprise. He knew she would want time to plan for me coming and for their get away.
I think she was also surprised that I kept the secret.
I miss them in the worse way, so I am so grateful to Jeff for this opportunity to come for a visit. I am sure I will be cooking all of the kids favorites and playing many card games with Ivy...and Barbies. Who knows, they all might teach me to play poker. I will even get to see Carter at dress rehearsal for his next play. I am really looking forward to this trip. Ocean, here I come!!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2014
I'm back
I can't believe I let "July" pass by without ONE post. We celebrated the 4th by going to a cook-out at our daughter-in-law's parents. We had so much delicious food and watched the kids swim.
On July 6th, we went to our great nephew, Aric's high school graduation open house. It's hard to believe they grow up so fast.
On July 23rd, Jack had his tonsils taken out. He was a sick little guy for over 1 week, in pain...eating lots and lots of Popsicles. But it helped with his breathing and his snoring is completely gone, so it was a success.
And it's a Special Birthday month, to boot! #2 Grand-son, Carter Wilson Precourt's Birthday was celebrated on July 10th. At his age, money is the most appreciative gift to give and especially easy to mail to Oregon. He has a love for Legos, so he was able to add to his collection.
I also celebrated my 58th Birthday on July 30th. Gee, typing the numbers "58" sure was difficult and doesn't seem real. Sometimes I feel it but most times I still feel like a kid. It was a very different Birthday for me. I was feeling a little discouraged, I guess cause since my dad passed away, my Birthday hasn't been the same. He loved to celebrate, taking me to lunch at Olive Garden or just his laugh when I walked in his house on my Birthday and sometimes being greeted with balloons and a card with money or a special gift. Don't get me wrong, my family and friends also make my Birthday special. In fact, I was treated to Olive Garden by my co-worker, Glenda, who also baked me a Key Lime cake and 2 quiche. She also brought me beautiful flowers.
I had the most unexpected blessing the day after my birthday from a Client at work. They came in the office to pick up their Land Survey and pay. They admired my Birthday flowers from my co-worker Glenda. I told them they were given to me for my Birthday. Well....after they left, I get a call from the Client, asking me what my favorite flavor cupcake was. They wanted to bring me a designer cupcake for my Birthday. I told them that was so nice of them but they didn't have to do that. They insisted!! So, I told them coconut, key lime or banana. They show up later on with a pretty pink box with 2 cupcakes the size of a small cake and really too beautiful to eat. And not only did they give me the cupcakes but there was a card on top of the box, which I opened up after they left. It said "Happy Birthday to someone special" and a hand written note on the inside that read " Rhonda, You are truly a very special and sweet lady. We appreciate all of your help. We hope that life for you and yours is filled with good health, happiness, peace and love. Luck, Love and Blessings, Jim and Judy Marsh. I burst into tears when I read it, but was more shocked to see the $50 bill that was also inside. It made me immediately think of something my dad did. I called them and thanked them and told her my dad use to give me cards with $50 bill inside and she told me that it was a gift from my dad. She is truly an Angel on earth.
And my Birthday continued on into the week. I got a surprise box of goodies from my sister. My Oregon family sent me the cutest pair of Dachshund earrings before my birthday. My sweet mom gave me money to clothes shop before my birthday. I got 2 nice outfits. My sister-in-law gave me a beautiful crystal vase. I got a really nice beach chair from Nate & family. Mike took me to dinner. So, it turned out to be a great 58.
So now we are headed into August, a new month. Our 40th Wedding Anniversary was Aug. 2. Wow, we made it to 40 years and where did the time go? My ideal 40th celebration would have been to renew our vows at the beach with our kids and grand kids there. Maybe we can do this on our 50th? Mike is still my best friend. I miss him when he is not around. Grocery shopping is not the same without him with me. He is my helper with mom. He listens to me gripe and moan about non sense stuff. I listen to him snore in the lazy boy minutes after he has read the clock work! We might not have the perfect marriage but we are blessed to have 2 Gifted children, and their amazing devoted spouses and 6 of the sweetest blessings on earth, our grand kids.
August brought a visit from Mike's sister, Susie and her husband Jerry, from Colorado. They were here from the 15th until 24th. We had a very nice visit with them during the 9 days they were here. We went to a Memorial for Jerry's sister, April, who had passed away in January. I prepared a nice dinner one night for them, which consisted of ALL gluten free foods, since they are gluten free. It was a challenge, but I mastered it. The chocolate cake was to die for. The highlight of their visit was a little family reunion the day before they went home. I managed to pull it all together and get most of the family who lived around our area. We all met at our favorite local pizza restaurant in a private room. Lots of laughter filled the room. It's always nice to get together with family.
And so, August is slipping away and soon will be September. My mom is taking a one way flight to my sister's in Louisiana on Sept. 6 for who knows how long. Her idea is to stay for 6 months to see if she could be happy living down there. And, if she decides to move, we will sell her house. Since my brother-in-law is retired, she would have someone with her all day. My sister's work schedule is more flexible than mine and she gets more time off than I do, so she would be with her a lot. It would be an ideal situation. There are more family members down there to dote over her and do things with. I really do pray it all works out and she can be happy. At least she would be out of the cold weather and snow.
Stay tuned for more of September happenings.....until then, I'm back!
On July 6th, we went to our great nephew, Aric's high school graduation open house. It's hard to believe they grow up so fast.
On July 23rd, Jack had his tonsils taken out. He was a sick little guy for over 1 week, in pain...eating lots and lots of Popsicles. But it helped with his breathing and his snoring is completely gone, so it was a success.
And it's a Special Birthday month, to boot! #2 Grand-son, Carter Wilson Precourt's Birthday was celebrated on July 10th. At his age, money is the most appreciative gift to give and especially easy to mail to Oregon. He has a love for Legos, so he was able to add to his collection.
I also celebrated my 58th Birthday on July 30th. Gee, typing the numbers "58" sure was difficult and doesn't seem real. Sometimes I feel it but most times I still feel like a kid. It was a very different Birthday for me. I was feeling a little discouraged, I guess cause since my dad passed away, my Birthday hasn't been the same. He loved to celebrate, taking me to lunch at Olive Garden or just his laugh when I walked in his house on my Birthday and sometimes being greeted with balloons and a card with money or a special gift. Don't get me wrong, my family and friends also make my Birthday special. In fact, I was treated to Olive Garden by my co-worker, Glenda, who also baked me a Key Lime cake and 2 quiche. She also brought me beautiful flowers.
I had the most unexpected blessing the day after my birthday from a Client at work. They came in the office to pick up their Land Survey and pay. They admired my Birthday flowers from my co-worker Glenda. I told them they were given to me for my Birthday. Well....after they left, I get a call from the Client, asking me what my favorite flavor cupcake was. They wanted to bring me a designer cupcake for my Birthday. I told them that was so nice of them but they didn't have to do that. They insisted!! So, I told them coconut, key lime or banana. They show up later on with a pretty pink box with 2 cupcakes the size of a small cake and really too beautiful to eat. And not only did they give me the cupcakes but there was a card on top of the box, which I opened up after they left. It said "Happy Birthday to someone special" and a hand written note on the inside that read " Rhonda, You are truly a very special and sweet lady. We appreciate all of your help. We hope that life for you and yours is filled with good health, happiness, peace and love. Luck, Love and Blessings, Jim and Judy Marsh. I burst into tears when I read it, but was more shocked to see the $50 bill that was also inside. It made me immediately think of something my dad did. I called them and thanked them and told her my dad use to give me cards with $50 bill inside and she told me that it was a gift from my dad. She is truly an Angel on earth.
And my Birthday continued on into the week. I got a surprise box of goodies from my sister. My Oregon family sent me the cutest pair of Dachshund earrings before my birthday. My sweet mom gave me money to clothes shop before my birthday. I got 2 nice outfits. My sister-in-law gave me a beautiful crystal vase. I got a really nice beach chair from Nate & family. Mike took me to dinner. So, it turned out to be a great 58.
So now we are headed into August, a new month. Our 40th Wedding Anniversary was Aug. 2. Wow, we made it to 40 years and where did the time go? My ideal 40th celebration would have been to renew our vows at the beach with our kids and grand kids there. Maybe we can do this on our 50th? Mike is still my best friend. I miss him when he is not around. Grocery shopping is not the same without him with me. He is my helper with mom. He listens to me gripe and moan about non sense stuff. I listen to him snore in the lazy boy minutes after he has read the clock work! We might not have the perfect marriage but we are blessed to have 2 Gifted children, and their amazing devoted spouses and 6 of the sweetest blessings on earth, our grand kids.
August brought a visit from Mike's sister, Susie and her husband Jerry, from Colorado. They were here from the 15th until 24th. We had a very nice visit with them during the 9 days they were here. We went to a Memorial for Jerry's sister, April, who had passed away in January. I prepared a nice dinner one night for them, which consisted of ALL gluten free foods, since they are gluten free. It was a challenge, but I mastered it. The chocolate cake was to die for. The highlight of their visit was a little family reunion the day before they went home. I managed to pull it all together and get most of the family who lived around our area. We all met at our favorite local pizza restaurant in a private room. Lots of laughter filled the room. It's always nice to get together with family.
And so, August is slipping away and soon will be September. My mom is taking a one way flight to my sister's in Louisiana on Sept. 6 for who knows how long. Her idea is to stay for 6 months to see if she could be happy living down there. And, if she decides to move, we will sell her house. Since my brother-in-law is retired, she would have someone with her all day. My sister's work schedule is more flexible than mine and she gets more time off than I do, so she would be with her a lot. It would be an ideal situation. There are more family members down there to dote over her and do things with. I really do pray it all works out and she can be happy. At least she would be out of the cold weather and snow.
Stay tuned for more of September happenings.....until then, I'm back!
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