First of all, my sister Diane is here from Louisiana helping with our parents moving sale. Night before last we get a call from her daughter, Dayna, who also lives in Louisiana. It was around 9:00 at night and Dayna told her mom that she took 2 pregnancy tests and they were both positive. My sister and I danced around in the kitchen while on the phone with her.....you see....Dayna and her hubby, Rob have been trying to have a baby for a short while and the news was the best news they could have gotten. Rob was so excited and wanted to make sure so they drove to Walgreens to buy another test, which was also positive the next morning, then she went for a blood test to make more sure and it was positive.....so......my sister will have a 3rd grandchild in January. Her son, has 2 children. My sister is on Cloud 9.....What's neat is our daughter's are both having babies.....
This news came at the best time.....you see.....my sister and I have been so stressed over this move for our parents and the uncertainties. The boxing up of precious memories, not being able to keep everything....what to sell....what to keep.....It has been a rollercoaster of emotions.
My sister and I have been able to go walking on our trail to talk and share, which has been our savior. We have lots of work yet to do to get ready for the Big moving sale, which starts tomorrow. I just had to share this exciting news with my Blogger friends......My Neice will make a wonderful momma and Rob a great daddy. Congrats to both of them!!!
The picture is Dayna on her wedding day before getting ready to walk down the isle in Jamaica last year......Isn't she beautiful?
Congrats to the new parents!!!!
Great news always comes when it is needed the most!
Congratulations to your niece and hubby. She is gorgeous.
I'm glad the moving and packing and selling is going ok. Have a good vacation with your sister.
Congrats...what great timing for this news.
I am glad ya'll have each other during this time of packing. I pray that things will go smoothly and that you will see the hand of God preparing the way.
Congrats! What great news!
What great news! God surely wanted to lift your hearts, (and of course bless Dayna at the same time). She is beautiful.
That's great news! Tell your sis and neice congrats!
Yea! More babies!
Absorb every moment!
YEAH! Congrats, sister!!!
Shhh...my sister is pregnant, too. That is what the prayers were for...shhhhh!
Congratulations to your neice and hubby and also to you and your sis!!
Thanks for stoppping by my blog I hope you will be back
Such wonderful news. Another beautiful addition to your beautiful family. And how cool will that be to have little babies so close in age!!? Happy Long Weekend to you!!
Congrats to you and your family. I just love the new birth of a baby.
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