I will never forget the day I found out that I was expecting my first child. After almost 2 years of marriage, Mike and I knew that we were ready to become parents. We really wanted a child. So, we were in the planning stage. After a few months I scheduled a doctor visit to have a pregnancy test done, since I was experiencing some mild morning sickness and tenderness in some places. We didn't have the quick tests back then. I was working at a brand new Day Care Center in our church as a pre-school teacher at the time. I can remember looking in the mirror in the bathroom when I would take a break and holding my top tight against my belly to see if I was growing. I think I wore maternity clothes immediately cause I was so proud. I wanted to share with the world, this blessing that was growing inside of me. Some of my cravings were FISH, of all things....and to this day, I hate seafood... I could live on Long John Silvers. I had heard that fish is brain food (believe it, cause it's true!) Steph is very smart! Mike would stop a lot and pick up fish on his way home from work. Some of my other cravings were tomatoes with salt. My nursery theme was Raggedy Ann & Andy. Not knowing the sex of the baby, we chose something for either. When I was in labor we were still discussing names for this boy or girl I was about to deliver. We were set on Tiffany if it were a girl. When I delivered her, she looked into my eyes and it just melted my heart and I immediately thought, she is not a Tiffany, she is a Stephanie! So, my husband agreed with me and that was that! Long story short, I am so proud of my daughter. I knew back then that she was destined for Great things. She has taught me so much. Enjoy Sunny California Steph!
What a sweet post to write about your girl!
You should be proud!
She really is a beautiful girl! You are more than right to be proud of her! :) Y'all make a beautiful pair!
How sweet is this post? Sniff, sniff.
I love posts like that.
You did a beautiful job, she's a beautiful girl!
I've read your daughter's blog and never realized you were here mom!lol
Wow, what a sweet story. Your daughther is beautiful! From reading your blog, I can see that you are a great mom and grandma!
You had me crying.Very lovely post and that picture. OH my goodness. I can't wait to see all of them. She is gorgeous but I know where she gets it from.
Two gorgeous ladies you are.
She really is beautiful. Those photos are amazing!
You brought tears to my eyes with this post. The bond you and Stephanie have is so wonderful. Hearing you express the love you have for your daughter is so sweet. That picture is indeed beautiful.
Sweet Post!
I tagged you
Oh Mimi - how lovely. I hope one day I'll have this type of bond with a daughter of my own.
I loved this because it bought back memories (my only daughter is now 25). I craved watermelon and my husband would stop by on his way home from work for not one, but two of the biggest and sweetest each time, and they wouldn't last long! I also couldn't wait to get into maternity gear, mainly stylish overalls (doesn't matter these days does it!)with family and friends laughing and saying "but you're not even showing yet!!" Wonderful days.
Oh, thank you, Mom. This was so sweet but I wasn't prepared to cry this morning. Remember that everything that has made me who I am involves you, too. I love you.
I am sorry that you had a heavy heart this morning, and had trouble sleeping. I am glad that you find love when you come to my blog. :) I would only want people to feel positive energy when they visit.
I am praying for you today. Hugs to you!
You raised the most beautiful daughter inside AND out. That's even obvious getting to know her via the blogosphere. Pat yourself on the back, girl. Nicely done!!!
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