So, I worked half day today to get ready for a test I have to take tomorrow...It's the dreaded colonoscopy. Since I have mild colitis and another problem that I take meds for, I have to have this every 3 years. Well, the test itself is not all that bad, since they put you to sleep and you don't know what's going on. It's the stinkin' (no pun intended) prep that is horrible. I got up this morning and had jello for breakfast with coffee and cranberry juice. Today is all liquid diet. To prepare for the diet, I went to the store last night and bought a large bag of popsicles, jello already made, root beer (my favorite soda), yummy fat free beef and chicken broth and cranberry juice. As a treat, I can have hard candy. The dread is the GALLON of liquid you have to drink every 10 minutes until all gone, which cleans you out. A few hours after that you take 2 dreaded pills to make sure you eliminate your organs...which leaves a hollow body that is crawling to bed from exhaustion and has a burning sensation (you know where). I told my hubby the last time I had this test, it was my last because I got dehydrated and very sick, but I am determined to make sure I drink lots of liquid tonight to keep up with what I am losing. Check back tomorrow for the news on the test......It's time to go drink the YUK!
Oh, that sounds just AWFUL. I hope you recover quickly!
I have some kind of bug that is doing something similar to my body. At least I don't have to have the test. Good luck!
Good luck! I've had those before and the prep is by far the worst!
I will be praying for you, my dear.
Where did you find that cartoon? That is so funny! My husband and I had the same test a few months ago, and, yeah, there oughta be law against the dreaded prep. Hope all goes well, praying for you, dear BFF.
Good luck! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
This is my least favorite test ever-- and I am an expert test taker...
Good luck! Keep drinking yummy things!!
I thought the icky liquid was out of practice. The last colonoscopy I had 3 years ago did not require me to drink the liquid. I did have to take a VERY POWERFUL laxative in the evening before as well as in the morning of the test. Of course I had to do clear liquids the day before and they couldn't be dark colored - it was white cranberry not red, etc. I now only have to get another one in 5 years. It would have been 10 but because of my Crohn's and family history it is 5.
Oh Rhonda...I would dread it too. I hope it went well. As well as it could.You'd think they'd come up with a better/easier way to do that test.
:--) Nell
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