Abby & Jack came over last night while their mommy & daddy went out. This was the longest that Jack & mommy have been separated. It was only about 3 1/2 hours. Elsa almost backed out of going because she didn't know if she could leave him. Her and Nate needed time away and when they came back, she said she was so glad they went and it was so refreshing for her to have an adult conversation with her hubby. Jack is 4 weeks old today. He does have a lot of hair but it's mostly in the back. Abby has had a rough time dealing with having a new little person in the house. If you ask her if she likes Jack, she will say "No". I think that is almost normal for a 2 year old to share in the attention. She does like him. She wanted to crawl up in my lap while I was feeding him and share me. Thank God I have a big lap. Grampa helped out some by holding Jack so I could have one on one time with Abby and play tea party. While holding Jack and kissing his forehead, a thought crossed my mind that this just might be my last grandchild. It was a fun night. Look at those chubby cheeks! The finger sticking up with the pretty nail belongs to his great-grandma who stopped by to see him. He finally opened his eyes for a picture.I look a little tired but I am loving this Mimi thing. Haircut next week....hooray!
That is one adorable little baby!!!!.....but, in your family you guys only have adorable little babies!!!! I was interested to hear how Abby's doing with the change. My boy will probably be similar.
They are so cute. I'm glad you had a good time. It's good for mommy and daddy to get out and have some adult time together. I think it makes you better parents. Your hair looks just fine! Have a relaxing and restful weekend.
Just stopping by and thought I'd leave a comment...hope you don't mind.
Your grandchildren are beautiful. You are a lucky Mimi! I want to be a Mimi sooo bad but I just keep telling myself "all in God's timing Linda!" Mine two are only 20 and 23 so I've got some waiting to do.
Maybe Abby said "no" about liking Jack because she was hoping for a baby sister. I can relate to that because I wanted a sister. Plus in her eyes Jack is too small yet to play with and he may not appreciate tea parties like she does.
What cute pictures...Love glad you won a prize.
I am posting on our Disney trip so hope you will stop by. Also, the June giveaway starts today...all comments left in June will be in the drawing for the "June Card Box"! You will have to go down a few posts to read about the monthly giveaway.
Jack is wonderful! He (and Abby, of course!) could pose for commercials! Those cheeks are edible! What a beautiful thing to let "new" parents head out for some nice time alone. It really does make all the difference in the world. You are a marvelous set of grandparents... and your time with Abby is what she'll always remember because yes, it is a big difference in her little life to share all that love!! (I don't have that feeling yet that our little Dylan is the last... but we never know, do we!!??)
I remember when we brought home our youngest.. my oldest only 21 months at the time was the same way. But now they are the best of friends. Abby and Jack are beautiful!!!
My name is Rhonda, I have been married to Mike for 43 years. I have a full time job in an Engineering/Land Surveying firm. I have a daughter, Stephanie and son Nathan. My daughter has a wonderful husband, Jeff and 3 Terrific boys, Noah, Carter, Grayson and a beautiful girl named Ivy LaRue. They recently moved away to Corvailis, Oregon. My son has a beautiful wife, Elsa and a precious daughter, Abigail and handsome son, Jackson . They live 39 miles from me. I have a sister in Louisiana and a brother in Idaho. I suffered 2 great losses in Feb. 2011 and June 2017 when I lost my parents. Family is very important to me. I enjoy babysitting for my grand-children and grand-dogs. I am Mimi in case you couldn't tell. I love to sing and play the piano in my spare time. My dream is to spend a Christmas at Disney world with my whole family....I don't dream too big!
That is one adorable little baby!!!!.....but, in your family you guys only have adorable little babies!!!! I was interested to hear how Abby's doing with the change. My boy will probably be similar.
They are so cute. I'm glad you had a good time. It's good for mommy and daddy to get out and have some adult time together. I think it makes you better parents. Your hair looks just fine! Have a relaxing and restful weekend.
So glad you were able to spend time with the babies. They are getting so big so fast! :)
Just stopping by and thought I'd leave a comment...hope you don't mind.
Your grandchildren are beautiful. You are a lucky Mimi! I want to be a Mimi sooo bad but I just keep telling myself "all in God's timing Linda!" Mine two are only 20 and 23 so I've got some waiting to do.
Take care and have a great weekend!
Ohhh he looks just like Nate!!
'Thank God I have a big lap" - that cracked me up! haha!
Thanks for sharing the pictures - you got some cute grandkids!!!
Maybe Abby said "no" about liking Jack because she was hoping for a baby sister. I can relate to that because I wanted a sister. Plus in her eyes Jack is too small yet to play with and he may not appreciate tea parties like she does.
What cute pictures...Love glad you won a prize.
I am posting on our Disney trip so hope you will stop by. Also, the June giveaway starts today...all comments left in June will be in the drawing for the "June Card Box"! You will have to go down a few posts to read about the monthly giveaway.
You sure have some beautiful grandbabies Mimi! :)
Jack is wonderful! He (and Abby, of course!) could pose for commercials! Those cheeks are edible! What a beautiful thing to let "new" parents head out for some nice time alone. It really does make all the difference in the world. You are a marvelous set of grandparents... and your time with Abby is what she'll always remember because yes, it is a big difference in her little life to share all that love!! (I don't have that feeling yet that our little Dylan is the last... but we never know, do we!!??)
I remember when we brought home our youngest.. my oldest only 21 months at the time was the same way. But now they are the best of friends. Abby and Jack are beautiful!!!
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