We had no plans today. No cookout. No family planned function. We had wanted to go to the beach but the weather didn't permit us to go. I wanted to just go with the flow and take the day as it happened. I did want to finish planting some flowers. Abby came over for a while today while her mommy & Jack ran some errands and daddy slept, since he worked midnights. We made every minute count and ended up not only planting flowers, but we baked cupcakes too. This is the neatest Kid's Cupcake making kit that comes with everything needed.

Don't laugh at my
avocado green Sears hand mixer that is almost 35 years old. I love my mixer! It was a wedding gift and works great. I love this little hand working so hard and learning how to mix.

Abby is modeling the apron that came with the kit.

The frosting is yummy!
Decorating is so much fun!

Hey, Look what I did!

Now for the best part, Let's eat our cupcakes! This was so much fun. Making memories!
This is the pot of flowers Abby planted all by herself, with just a little help from Mimi.
I did sit back today and reflect on loved ones who have left this world. I gave Thanks for the men and women who have or are serving our great USA so that we can have freedom. I appreciate the sacrifice they and their families make every day. I know what today stands for and I am so Greatful.
Mmm, those cupcakes look delicious!
Fun times! I spent my whole day helping my kids with their science projects.
Oh, Rhonda... what a perfectly glorious day! The flowers, the cupcakes, the KIT (gotta get one!)... and the LOVE. Yes, we are blessed to live in this great country where we can enjoy such simple and such perfect pleasures! Love the photos of your little angel-eyes!! Abby is such a beauty, like YOU!
FUN! I need to get that cupcake kit for Ben!!
It looks like you and miss Abby had a great time today! We've been wanting to hit the beach, too, but that's easier said than done. I'm glad you had a great day :)
It looks like you had a great and yummy time. Abby is as sweet as she can be. We had a great weekend in Chicago with the family for a wedding. Glad to be home though. I am exhausted.
That is so fun. She is so beautiful.
You all did great with those cupcakes. It looks like you all had a great time spending the day together :)
That looks like it was a day well spent. Those cupcakes are making my mouth water!
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