My hubby had this brilliant idea to start bike riding together, to get in shape. He researched the internet for coaster bikes and found us the perfect bikes. Not only were they affordable, they are not complicated to operate. His is blue and mine is mint green. They sorta have a vintage look about them. I feel like a little girl again. I remember my first bike. It was pink. I took such good care of it. Then one day some bad person stole it. It broke my heart. Getting this new bike gave me a warm fuzzy feeling again. We have great riding trails by our house we hope to start burning rubber on. I just might get me a basket and see if my doggie wants to take a ride too. I'm thinking I might need a helmet too. So, if you see an over the hill couple riding on the trail on coaster bikes, move over for your own safety. Here's to a healthier lifestyle. Thank you Mike!
You are SOOO riding in style now!
What a great way to spend quality time with your man! :)
You might consider a helmut, riding gloves (fingerless), knee pads and elbow pads. Then you'll look like a serious bike rider plus there will be some serious padding if you fall.
I love it!!
Sweet ride! I'm totally jealous!
FIRST... YES... GET A HELMET! I've seen a couple of biking accidents that were minimal injuries because of the helmet. PLEASE...
NEXT... I LOVE IT! What a great idea! I must say that biking is probably my favorite thing in the exercise department! Especially when Barry bikes with me! It IS warm and fuzzy and back-to-childhood feelings! You are very lucky to have biking trails... we have some here, too, but we have to DRIVE our cars to get our bikes to the bike paths. I LOVE your bike... it IS vintage and awesome and perfect!
HAPPY TRAILS! Maybe someday we can bike together!! NOW GO GET THAT HELMET. xo
That's a sweet ride, Rhonda! You need a bell :)
I love your new ride. I have been thinking about getting a bike again. I used to ride evey morning with a friend on the bike trail. We would go to Swanson Road in Portage and back. It was a great time and great exercise. Now you've got me thinking. Have fun with Mike.
Love it!! Enjoy your bike riding!
Ok where are the pictures of you and Mike riding bikes together? Maybe you, Mike and the grandkids can ride together.
I'm thinking I might need a helmet too. So, if you see an over the hill couple riding on the trail on coaster bikes, move over for your own safety. Here's to a healthier lifestyle.
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