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I am joining in on the fun this week of capturing springtime pictures. Beth, over at I should be folding laundry,
has this awesome photo awareness going on every week and I was so excited to finally join in. I had so much fun looking around to find signs of Spring that would be unique.
I am so proud of my New Garden Gloves. I don't like dirt under my fingernails, unlike my sister, who loves to play in the dirt. When I saw these pink gloves with the breast cancer logo, I had to get them, Big Lots $5. And yes, these are plastic easter eggs in my pot. Just a fun touch until I can plant the flowers.
These are some of my little flower garden friends. Can you see the green plants peeking their heads up?
This is in my front yard. My tulips are finally popping up. I must have planted about 50 bulbs about 5 years ago and these are the only ones that pop up every year. Join in on the fun and check out all of the Spring pictures and meet some new blogger friends. Thanks Beth for this awesome idea. It made me look around and capture not only on camera, but in my mind, the beautiful nature that God created. My camera is not the most expensive, fancy camera but it meets my needs. It is a Nikon Coolpix S210.
Very nice shots, glad you joined in on the fun!!!
I love your garden gloves! We have so much pink breast cancer awareness stuff in our house. It's all so pretty and for a good cause.
I also love tulips. My mom has a huge tulip bed, and I'd always get so happy when they'd bloom because that told me it was spring and almost my birthday!
I'm glad you joined You Capture. I read a little bit of your blog. Not only is it beautiful, but it's fun! I, myself, don't know if one turtle would be inspiration enough for me to do an extra 20 on the treadmill...but, that's me! ;) Nice Spring photos!
When I Grow Up
Wonderful photos! I love your gardening gloves. Happy Spring!
great pictures, love the gloves, love the sedum popping up... and woohoo for the tulips!
My favorite part is the bright colors in the 1st two pictures. Nice job!
I love your gloves. And the tulips coming up is always such a true sign of spring!
I LOVE your garden gloves... they are not only beautiful and pink to celebrate spring, but so meaningful too. I'm going to find myself a pair around here!
You DID capture spring for me in the most simply elegant ways... and it makes me feel so happy to see the bounty of nature and how you so carefully nurture and watch! Pretty perfect!!!!
I love your new gloves! I can tell you had fun with this.
I am so with you on getting my hands dirty. My gloves are no where as nice as those and you have just inspired me to get a pair just like those!! I LOVE the eggs in the planter too!!
Welcome to this great fun put on by Beth!! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!! Oh ... I LOVE your new bloggy look too!
your garden gloves are great! i'll have to check out Big Lots! when we bought this house i planted 50 bulbs also. nothing grew that year, the next year about 10 of them grew up, and every year since then - nada! oh well.
my YOU CAPTURE post today includes drops, buds, and kitties. you are always welcome in The Shadow of the Cross. feel free to visit anytime :O).
Nice captures, but I really want a pair of those garden gloves. Which Big Lots?
Wow! Thank you so much for the comments on my blog, especially the music. I have toyed with the idea of taking the playlist off, thinking no one cared about it but me. So, thank you. I like my music, too, so I will leave it! Thank you for spending time on my page :O).
oh your tulips are way up!!!
Welcome, this becomes addicting! Love your pink gloves too! But I don't know if my kids would recognize me without dirt under my nails!
Isn't this fun? I love the gloves!
Your pics feel like spring!
I've been meaning to ask you...Is Amy okay? She hasn't posted in a while and I hope nothing's happened. I thought maybe you'd know.
You need to visit my blog. :)
I'm glad my playlist blessed your day :O). Thanks for letting me know.
I bet the tulips will be beautiful. You will have to take pictures. I'm so excited for Spring. We had a taste of it yesterday and now its snowing. Way it usually goes here in the mountains though HA!
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