I am like any other ordinary women, I love purses...I never dreamed that I would own a "Coach". My co-worker and I would look at the Coach purse web site at work on our lunch hour and admire all the colors and styles and just Wish...Well, my daughter knew that I really had my heart set on a coach purse, so she kept in touch with Amy, my co-worker, to see which one I had admired. Christmas 2006 arrived and the opening of gifts..I was totally surprised when I opened my gift from Steph, Jeff, Noah, Carter & Gray. The box said "COACH", I thought, Oh my gosh, could it be? Yes, it was a Coach purse. I couldn't believe my eyes! I have carried it every day since and it still looks brand new. I even spilled a bottle of water in it the other day at my desk at work. My daughter worked hard to get me a Gift I really wanted, but really never asked for because I knew I would probably never own one. She is a one in a million daughter and I love her. It wasn't so much the gift that meant so much to me, but the heart in the giving that meant more.
I am glad you still love it. I did put a lot of thought into it- it was an important gift. After all you do for us... You really deserve it!!
Still think you need the dress from Coach hot Mama!!
I will put the dress on next year's Christmas list...maybe by then, I will have reached my goal size...
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