I was blessed to grow up with a sister, who was really like my twin. We did everything together, shared a beautiful bedroom with white furniture, canopy bed, frilly bedspread. When she hurt, I hurt. We use to play the game of jacks so much that we played in our sleep. The day she married and moved 1,159 miles away was like a part of me left with her. We have never lost contact and still remain as close or even closer, and it has been over 33 years. I cherish my friendship with my sister, she has always been there to listen to my problems, even if we have to use a Web Cam and IM to talk to (Thank God for technology). I am so excited to be able to go on a vacation with my sister this summer to Florida. Just her and I will sit on the white sandy beach and reminise and people watch and talk about the skinny people. I am looking forward to our time together. I feel so blessed. I love you sis!
How fun that you have a blog! I saw your link on Steph's. I'll be checking in from time to time. My blog is www.xanga.com/jilandrich.
Very sweet things to say about your sister!
I love that you have Aunt Diane. She is very precious to me, too!
Hey, this is Jil's mom, Cindy.
It was fun to read your blog.
I wanted to know if you would come to Jon's open house on June 16th. We'll e-mail with more details.
One more email from us :) Natalie was typing for my mom and paraphrased what mom told her to type. I was teasing my mom that it was a funny thing for an adult to say to another adult. :)
Hi Cindy..sure, if we are available, we would love to come...That's ok, about the paraphrase, I talk like that..we might be grandma's but we still have it going on..
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